Most units have barely any toys to customize your dudes. This means that you have to take dedicated squads to get any real firepower, meaning your opponent can quickly take out all your anti-vehicle firepower if they have the right units. No heavy weapons to embed in squads other than a single Heavy Destroyer in each Destroyer Squad, Destroyers already being fairly elite. Reanimation Protocols is kind of useless on multi-wound models if your opponent plays around it. Despite having Leadership 10, once that morale test is failed, any models that flee due to combat attrition are not included when counting number of wounds to roll for Reanimation Protocols. If a NOBLE is not leading your army your entire army loses Command Protocols. Grab your favourite metallic paint, some nuln oil and an accent colour and you're good to go! Necrons are arguably the easiest race to paint in the entire franchise. The Szarekhan Dynasty absolutely counters psykers. Despite being a slow army, we have a couple tricks to make our murderbots jump around the map, such as the Veil of Darkness and the Night Scythe, which holds twice as many models as the pathetic Rhino. Aside from the normal Astartes pandering, Necrons are the pride and joy of 9th edition with a multitude of new models and units!. The army has a lot of interesting, fun and fluffy characters to bring to your games. Nor are they affected by things like the Culexus Assassin. The Necron equivalent of psychic powers (Powers of the C'tan) can't be blocked by "Deny the Witch" or suffer Perils of the Warp because they're not actually psychic powers. Crypteks are back in style! Now with 4 classes and a dozen wargear options, you can customize your court to your heart's content!. All NOBLE units get Relentless March which bumps up the lackluster Movement characteristic of 5" for your nearby CORE to the more average 6". Quantum Shielding makes any enemy attack at S6 AP-2 or higher completely irrelevant against units with this ability. Between large models with a lot of wounds, Living Metal to get those wounds back, and troops that can literally stand back up, it's a durable army that can hit hard and take just as much. Necrons have Doctrines now! They are called Command Protocols you assign one protocol to each round before the battle begins (no repeats, unless your warlord is the Silent King, who has Voice of the Triarch), require a NOBLE on the field, and are limited to units within 6" of a Character. Legion and their re-conquest of the galaxy is nigh unstoppable. Their history is fascinating, their name is They are stronger in 9th edition with the updated codex and improved dynastic rules, giving them a competitive edge and will strike fear in to your enemy. They are a very durable army, led by the mighty Overlords, who call upon tides of relentless immortals and warriors to unleash crackling rays of green energy which quickly annihilates any foe in their path. Necrons are awakening from their slumber finding their once-great empire fractured into dozens of dynasties warring with each other as Lords and Overlords vie for positions of power in these newly awakened empires, the galaxy quakes as the Necrons begin to reconquer what was once theirs. For Necrons, the speed of light is an afterthought, the flow of time is an open book, enemy armour is inconsequential, and all warfare is but a matter of domination over lesser entities. Their technologies are the most advanced the galaxy has ever seen. They are the 500-pound sleeping gorilla of the 40k universe. Necrons are a cold calculated race, with hardened metal bodies that can heal even the most crippling wounds and ancient weaponry that can deal utter devastation to those foolish enough to oppose them. Why Play Necrons? After selling the souls of trillions of Necrontyr to the C'tan star-gods in an effort to win his war against the Old Ones, the Silent King relinquished his control of the Necrons-but not before sending them into a 60 million-year slumber, hoping they'd have forgotten all about the whole selling of souls bit by the time they woke up.
13.2 Spooky Scary Skeletons send shivers down your spine. 11.1.4 Dynastic Agents Special Characters. 11.1.3 Dynasty-specific Special Characters.